Career Dishari

Chapter 1 ARTICLES

Welcome to your Chapter 1 ARTICLES

1. Can you speak ____ Spanish?

2.She wants to become ___ engineer.

3. I saw ____ one eyed person.

4. My sister will come in ___day or two.

5. You speak ___ truth always.

6. Soon our team scored _____ goal and won _____ game.

7. To climb _____ tree is not to climb _____ mountain.

8. _____ death of her husband resulted in _____ loss of her home also.

9. _____ book is always _____ acceptable gift.

10.France covers _____ area of 551000 sq kms.

11. I want to eat ___ apple.

12.Gold is ……………………….. precious metal.

13. He looks as stupid as ……………………….. owl.

14. What did you do with ……………………… camera I lent you?

15. What is that noise?’ ‘I think it is ……………………….. helicopter.’

16. I waited for ………………………….. hour and then I went home.

17. She showed me …………………………. one-pound coin.

18. I bought ____ umbrella to go out in the rain.

19. One of the students said, ".............. professor is late today."

20. I lived on ____ Main Street when I first came to town

21. Albany is the capital of ____ New York State.

22. My daughter is learning to play ____ violin at her school.

23. Please give me ____ cake that is on the counter.

24. I borrowed ____ pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.

25. Miss Lin speaks ____ Chinese.

26. ____ church on the corner is progressive

27. My husband's family speaks ____ Polish.

28. ………………….. man is mortal.

29. I am …………………. university student.

30. Kiran is …………………. best student in the class.

31. This book has won ………………….. Booker prize.

32. Harishchandra was …………………. honest king.

33. I am fond of ………………. classical music.

34. There is ..................... . institution for ....................... blind in this city.

35.I'd of orange juice please.

36. Can you give me..........envelope, please?

37. ______ school is very cold. Hasn’t it got_______central heating system? It has, but_______central heating is broken down.

38. They usually spend their holidays in __________ mountains.

39. Someone call __________ policeman!

40. Someone call __________ police!

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