Career Dishari

Career Dishari Academy CDA

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1.When she heard the death of her husband, she _____ and cried.

2. I must ______. I’ll call you again at the same time tomorrow.

3. Let’s ______ to work now

4. The whole area was ______ by the storms and floods.

5. I wouldn’t have noticed the mistake if you hadn’t ______ it ______.

6. I can’t ______ what the sign says. It is too far away.

7. I want you to ______ the talking right now; I’m trying to read.

8. When the two of you have ______ your problems, we’ll start again. I can’t work with people who are arguing

9. Five minutes after the takeoff, the aircraft ______ at 30.000 feet.

10. Is he telling the truth, or ______ it all ______ ?

11. I was very ______ by the nurse’s attitude, it really annoyed me.

12.The secretary said she would ______ duty at seven o’clock this evening.

13.As there was a power cut in the hospital, the surgeon had to ______ the operation.

14. How many words ______ this sentence?

15.More Turkish students should ______ a foreign language and follow it through until they know it well.

16. A week-old garbage usually ______ a terrible stink

17. This skirt is too long. I must ______ it______

18. Her dress was too wide on the waist so she ______ it ______.

19. She ______ the radio before answering the phone.

20. Two prisoners ______ of Midford Prison last night. They are armed and dangerous.

21. She ______ when she heard the bad news. It must have been a terrible shock to her.

22. The article ______ the problem, but it did not discuss it in detail.

23. His cold was ______ by the unexpected change in temperature.

24. The offer was so good that I couldn’t ______ it ______

25.A bus crashed on the main highway this morning and ______ traffic for hours.

26. It would be a good idea to discuss the plan. Why don’t you ______ a meeting.

27. The troops easily ______ the rebellion.

28. Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words. We had to CANCEL the party last week.

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29.Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words. Let’s POSTPONE the meeting till Friday

30. Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words.I’ve had flu for a week now: I just can’t GET RID OF IT.

31. Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words. His father often CRITICIZES HIM.

32. Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words. My father was RAISED in a small village.

33. Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words. You are never too late to START a new sport.

34. Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words. The meeting ENDED IN DISORDER.

35. Choose the best alternative to replace the CAPITALIZED words. His project has FAILED TO BE COMPLETED

36. As I have just had a tooth ----, I am not allowed to eat or drink anything for three hours.

37. You need to ---- your essay for spell-check before you hand in your exam paper.

38. It is not easy for many civil servants to ---- on their salaries as the inflation rate is extremely high.

39. Stop complaining and _____ your work!

40. We’re going to have to _____ our trip to Spain until September.

41. If you................yourself there is nothing in which you cannot succeed

42. I think he will not be able to..............this difficult schedule

43. Because of storm and the heavy rain the flight was...............

44. After a long debate the problems were...............and the main problem turned out to be merely a misunderstanding at the end.

45. We have to............... these mosquitoes in order to sleep without being interrupted.

46. The old professor ..............last night because of a heartattack

47. I missed the lesson on the short story yesterday, but the teacher told us that he would repeat the lesson, so I will be able to...............what I missed.

48. You have to................your assignments on Friday.

49. Do you know when World War II...............?

50. Can to use these tools?

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